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广深佛楼凤QM 广州体验报告 佛山体验报告 【全国大圈】
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The family member encounters traffic accident, the head gets hurt fell down to do not have consciousness right-down, beautiful season girl is anxious and helpless, ceaseless cry call ask for help. In this crises, “Do not be afraid of! I am in! ” a transient Guangzhou ” elder brother ” extend aid in time, to getting hurt this father daughter sends quickly toward the hospital, seasonable cure. On August 3 in the evening, 7 traffic light, what rip a heart 32 times to crack lung is urgent, car Cheng of 16 minutes is compressed to 8 minutes, this one ” speed per hour of life and death ” perform. Abide sound dash forward see traffic accident spot
On August 3 in the evening 20: 54, guangzhou city flower comes out before mouth 广州商务饭局应酬模特of channel of area day costly region rip what the heart cracks lung to cry call and sound of ask for help. Driving highway of go by smooth pace east Bai Yun of as public transportation as the Guangzhou of have a common boundary of Tian Guibei road group (wide hand in) Xiao Zhuyu of company taxi driver is heard after crying for help, instantly abide sound leaves toward channel ahead. He dash forward the one act that sees anxious: Below dim street lamp, parking a car that making double flashlight. A middleaged man falls in pool of blood, it is blood all over the face, already insensible. On the side of the man on bended knees little girl of a teen-age, cry ceaselessly crying, there still is a young man in the meantime, calling hastily.
“Help a person! ” Xiao Zhuyu also did not think more, drive the car 广州酷游娱乐科技有限公司to ahead keep to the side to had stopped rapidly, develop side of dispatch a vehicle quickly. “Need not be afraid of! Need not be afraid of! I will help you! ” be like those who wish rain to appear, girl Fang Buddha sees help straw, the arm that grabbing him says: “My pa encounters traffic accident, fast washed-up, beg you to save save him! Beg you to save save him!!
Original, that day in the evening, drive 2 people and car produce the father daughter of dynamoelectric bicycle collision, girl father head gets hurt, fall down bleed more than, unconscious. Young car driver is confused also, call everywhere appeal. After understanding a situation, xiao Zhuyu is none hesitant, “Be fast! Get on a car rapidly! ” on the pew after Xiao Zhuyu and car driver join forces carry the middleaged man that get hurt, subsequently instantly firm quietly catchs good steering wheel, combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine to the closest Guangzhou city the hospital sails.
8 minutes at top speed service hospital
“Master! Leave quickly! Father remained a lot of lifeblood, leave please quickly, quickly… ” the girl at the same time cry bitterly, keep urging at the same time. “Be at ease please! I drive the past with the rapiddest rate certainly! ” Xiao Zhuyu expresses sturdily.
Reach a hospital from accident ground, have the leg of 5.6 广州君御水会桑拿 会所怎么样kilometers, there are 7 traffic lights among, speculation arrives at a hospital to need 16 minutes at least. Xiao Zhuyu is dialed immediately 110 call the police phone, sign up for the circumstance of the person that hurt fully to police, ask police to contact a hospital, make good rescue preparation. In the meantime, he leaves with the rapiddest rate to the hospital.
Although already was night, but light of traffic of along the road and car are more, xiao Zhuyu is pressing a horn ceaselessly, current still and slow. He is dialed the 2nd times 110 call the police phone, request police helps dredge road. That day in the evening 21:03, xiao Zhuyu service of the person that hurt recent Guangzhou city combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital, originally distance of 16 minutes spent 8 minutes merely.
After service hospital, che Gang stops firm, the p广州星辉天拓互动娱乐有限公司erson that car of fluctuation of Xiao Zhuyu horse assists emergency treatment doctor to will be hurt is held in the arms get off, send emergency treatment room rescue. After the person that affirm gets the c广州水善坊全套ure with seasonable hospital, xiao Zhuyu this ability loosened at a heat, be at ease leave.
Outside the hospital, the driver of come cause trouble car below mood stability just remembers should pay fare. Xiao Zhuyu at once brandish brandish watch is shown, “Need not! Go quickly helping that girl! ” sail after leaving a hospital, xiao Zhuyu keep to the side stopped car. When he arranges railroad car, discover backlash remains many bloodstain, then the decision suspends battalion use, rinse clean railroad car by oneself.
“Help another person, inner joy “
The following day in the morning, wounded middleaged man passes seasonable cure, already out of danger. The girl calls to tell Xiao Zhuyu the news, thank repeatedly. After Xiao Zhuyu is informed, very excited also, “Need not wither! Help sb to deal with an emergency helps danger up, also our taxi driver should do this! ” he says, “Can help another person, my heart is very very happy, contented! ” in Guangzhou taxi industry, this person pursueing a dream that comes from Hunan Heng Yang searchs followed struggling target, holding steering wheel closely, advance courageou广州会所推荐 半套sly.
Be informed ” timely rain ” Ge Xiaozhu rain comes to help at top speed traffic accident father after female achievement, on August 8, bai Yun (wide hand in) the company decides to reward Xiao Zhuyu energy award 3000 yuan, alibaba every day the Ge Xiaozhu rain that energy decides to award warm heart energy is special promotive gold 5000 yuan, guangzhou city is ready to help others for a just cause foundation also iss广州有哪些娱乐公司招广州芳村桑拿 你懂的聘ued 3000 yuan of condolatory gold for Xiao Zhuyu.
Guangzhou city is ready to help others for a just cause foundation director Ma Guojun expresses, the hope is passed commend commend, encourage more taxi drivers, had made daily run while carry works, help more has the person that needs a help, deliver a society actively energy.

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